Creation Celebration | Pre-k Graduation
Every August, a new school year begins. Little ones make their way through our school doors with their new shoes and their oversized backpacks that almost tip them over. They are full of excitement as they discover their new classrooms. Every day is something new; New friends to be made, new songs to sing, new ideas to be explored.
We move energetically through the year, learning our names and numbers, reading books, creating art, and playing make believe. Soon, all of our classmates are our friends and we have memorized all of our favorite songs.
And then, as quickly as a blink, May arrives. You can feel the warm sun on your skin, and suddenly those backpacks don’t seem so hard to carry anymore. Those first day of school shoes have been replaced by bigger ones, and we realize, all at once, that we’ve made it to both an end and a new beginning.
All year we have been learning through our chapel chats, music time, and in our classrooms, how much God loves us, and that God says that we are wonderfully made. When we feel unsure, we can look to the big trees that grow strong and steady and know that God’s love stays the same.
Everything in the set for this ceremony was made by the preschool children. They painted the backgrounds, made clouds, and trees. They painted the sun together. It really just added so much to the set, having the kids so involved in the creation.